Monday, October 1, 2012

‘Dexter’ Season 7 Premiere Review & Discussion

The Dexter season 7 premiere kicks off the moment that fans have been waiting to see since the series began. Dexter’s (Michael C. Hall) secret is now known by Deb (Jennifer Carpenter), and there’s no turning back. The Dark Passenger must now account for his actions, willingly or not.

And that’s essentially what we get in the episode. To satisfy fans’ need to see Dexter answer to Deb for his actions, a good portion of the episode is dedicated solely to Deb questioning her brother about anything and everything that comes to her mind. Their initial conversation, standing near Travis Marshall’s (Colin Hanks) slayed body, is satisfying enough for the anticipation it created. There’s not enough time to fully delve into what Deb has just witnessed, but the scene does provide some satisfaction.

Read Full Review Here :

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